2 Players I 8+

Every. Step. Counts.

Release Date: 05.07.2025



The goal of Temple is to bring one of your stones to the marked Artemis field on the opposite side.


Each player places 9 stones of their color in the triangle emerging from their Artemis field (the 3 lines at the lowest level).


In ones turn, a stone has 2 options to move.

1.WALK Move the stone to an unoccupied adjacent field by following the path. A stone can only move forwards or sideways, never back.

2. LEAP A stone can leap over an adjacent stone to land on an unoccupied field unharmed or outside of the Temple and be removed (Leap of Faith).

If the stone leaps over a different colored stone, the opponent stone is removed from the game. If it leaps over a stone of the same color, nothing happens to that stone.

You can leap over more than one stone in your turn, provided that you always land on an unoccupied field in between. The direction may change by 45 degrees after each unoccupied field.
Stones cannot leap over 2 or more Stones next to each other.


Temple is won by the first player who places one of his stones at the opposing Artemis field.

If a threefold repetition occurs, the game ends in a draw.

A player may also choose to concede at any time by skipping his turn.



This game variant is played with stones that can be turned to change their color.

Temple Convert is different from the Classic game through the addition of 2 rules.

  1. CONVERT: A stone doesn’t get removed if a leap by an opposing stone occurs but instead becomes an additional enemy stone.

  2. TELEPORT: The Artemis field, instead of ending the game, teleports a stone to the opposing Artemis field once it is empty. It is possible to continue the movement from a leap after teleporting in the same turn.

Temple Convert is won by the player who manages to reduce the enemies stones to 3 or less.

Game Design: Simon Allmer
Manufacturing: Laurenz Adami


Great Wall


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