
2 Players I 8+

Follow your light.

Release Date: 01.09.2026



The goal of Pharos is to prevent the opponent’s stones from moving.


A color for each player is chosen at random.

Place ten stones of each color on the marked starting fields.


Blue begins and has to make a movement. Afterwards Red continues. Players can only move one stone per turn.

  1. Movement

    Stones cannot move by themselves. Instead, stones of the same color can send off light horizontally or vertically to make the chosen stone move one field horizontally or vertically. After sending out light, a stone turns dark for the rest of this turn. Light can move through several stones of the same color provided they are not interrupted by opponent forces.

  2. Attack

    You can remove an opponent's stone by occupying its field.

  3. Beacons

    In the beginning, all five beacons are unlit. Once a stone enters the beacon field, it is light in the color of the stone and may send out light like a regular stone. Beacons can change color throughout the game.


Once a player is unable to move, the other player is declared the winner.