
2 Players I 8+

Some plant beauty. Others sow war.



The goal of Hanging Gardens is to place 8 stones of your color into the High Garden.


A color for each player is chosen at random.

10 stones of each color are placed in their Home Gardens (long fields) on the lower level.


White begins and has to make a movement. Afterwards Black continues.

  1. Movement:

    In your first turn, stack 1-5 stones of your color to move.

    As you move, drop the lowest stone on each field you enter.

    Stones can be moved horizontally or vertically, but not diagonally.

    You cannot drop multiple stones of your color on the same field, except when repeatedly moving against a wall or a full tower.

    Direct back-and-forth movement between two fields is not allowed.

    Stacking is only possible in your Home Garden with stones of your own color.

  2. Capturing Opponent's Stones:

    You can capture an opponent's stone by dropping your own stone on it.

    The color at the top of the stack is the one in control and may use the opponent’s stones for future movement.

    In all Home Gardens, stones are safe from being captured by the opponent.

  3. Tower Rules:

    A tower cannot contain more than 5 stones.

    Fields with a full tower (5 stones) become inaccessible to other stones.

  4. Staircase Rules:

    Only stones matching the color of a staircase may pass through it.

    Stones of other colors attempting to pass through are dropped in the Home Garden.

  5. Catapult in the High Garden:

    If you have stones in the High Garden of your color, you may use the catapult.

    Throw one of your stones from the High Garden onto any regular field.

    All stones on the targeted field are returned to their respective Home Gardens.

    Stones in the Middle Fields are safe from Catapult attacks.


The game ends when a player successfully places 8 stones of their color into the High Garden.

That player is declared the winner.