NECTAR RULES (2-3 Players)


• 1 Board
• 1 Die
• 18 Bee Tokens in 6 colors
• 32 Nectar Tokens in 3 colours


The goal of the game is to have at least ten nectar points in your own honeycomb. To achieve this, the bees have to collect nectar tiles and turn them into their honeycomb without being attacked by hostile bee colonies.


- Each player receives three bee figures in one color.

- The players each choose one of the three combs that is closest to the black fields and place their bee figures on the three dashed fields.

GAMEPLAY 1 Roll the dice

Whoever was last stung by a bee begins. If this cannot be determined, the oldest player begins. Afterwards the game continues clockwise.
The player whose turn it is has to role the dice.

The dice number indicates which nectar tokens are placed on the board. (See illustration). If three, five or six is rolled, nothing changes.
If a bee stands on a nectar field, it covers it and prevents the formation of new nectar tokens there.


After putting the tokens on the board, the swarming begins...


Each player can move all three bees one space forward. If a bee lands on a nectar token, it carries it under the game piece. A bee can carry as many tokens as it wants. In this state it is vulnerable to enemies.

If an enemy bee moves onto the field of the transport bee, it takes over the load and places the stung bee on one of its three honeycomb fields back. A bee in a honeycomb is safe from enemies because they cannot enter.

If the carrier bee made it back to its home honeycomb field unharmed, the nectar tokens can be brought to safety. The player places the tokens in front of him, visible to everyone. Those tokens cannot be brought back to the playing field.

The carried nectar tokens can also be used as a BOOST. The carried token is put back
on the stack and the carrier bee moves forward by as many fields as the nectar is worth.

New nectar tokens can only be picked up when the previous movement is finished.

To transport the nectar more efficiently bees can also form a CHAIN. They are positioned next to each other and the load is transported without using up the steps. The load is passed on to any bee in the chain.


Without nectar a bee cannot be attacked and is therefore suitable as a BLOCKADE. In general, no bee can be overflown or share a field with other bees.


If the player has moved every bee he wanted to move (at least one), his round ends and he passes the die to the next player.


As soon as the first player in his honeycomb has reached a nectar value of at least ten, he wins the game.

Afterwards he takes his pieces from the board and the game is played for the the second and third place.


A bee which has not yet taken a step, could use its 2 nectar token as a BOOST to move around three fields (2 nectar points + 1 regular movement) to land a on a 4 nectar token. To secure it from hostile bees, it forms a CHAIN with the other two bees and passes the token closer to his honeycomb. That way, the bees without tokens form a BLOCKADE. This is a COMBO.


The Fast Game (3 players, 20 minutes)

In the fast game the bees start in the honeycombs in front of the golden fields.
If the first player manages to bring ten nectar points into his honeycomb, the game is over.

The Resources Game (2-3 players, 30 minutes)

Not only time is limited but also resources.
Here the players determine before the start how many nectar tiles in total should be in the game. If bees use a boost, the tile used for it is removed from the game.
In the resources game it can happen that nobody wins if the nectar supply is not sufficient.

Multiplayer (4-6 players, 35 minutes)

If there are four or more players, only two figures per colony are used. In the beginning, one field distance is left on the starting fields. Also the ones and two nectar tokens are placed independently
of the colour on the black and golden fields.
The starting honeycomb can thus be freely chosen.
After the dice is rolled, the die is passed to the player on the right. The direction is still clockwise for Multi Player.

Tip: The third figure that isn’t in play in Multiplayer can be put behind each players honeycomb to avoid confusion.

“Play Your Way!”

Simon Allmer